My family have had an abundant first crop of rhubarb at our little allotment this year and I have been popping it in everything I can think of for my Crystal Palace supper club. We even managed to force some, getting some very pink stems for desserts back in February. With the later crop, I find preserving and stewing is the best course of action as it can become quite green and stringy. Rhubarb flavoured vodka is a great outcome from a bumper crop of rhubarb. The recipe is very simple and produces a sweet and tart crisp drink, which is great chilled on its own or with tonic. It was served at my April supper club with strawberry chocolate petit fours as the sixth and final course.
Makes 850ml
600g rhubarb, chopped
200g caster sugar
750ml vodka
a litre fermenting jar
Place the rhubarb in the fermenting jar and add the sugar. Place the lid on the jar and shake until the rhubarb is covered in sugar. Pour in the vodka and secure the lid tightly. Shake again. Leave at room temperature for 1 day, then transfer to the fridge.
Shake every day for a week, then strain the vodka into a sterilised bottle and seal. Keep in the fridge once opened and drink within two weeks.